
Monday, March 26, 2007

If Only I Knew What A Full-Time Face Looked Like

Oh Winnipeg Transit. Our relationship is so strange.

After class I was runnign for the bus. Pretty fast, cuz it was about to start rolling away, when the weight of my backpack was suddenly gone. For the split second before ALL of my crap hit the ground, I was confused because the straps were still on my shoulders. And I looked back, and spread out over about 10 feet are my books, my purse, my ibu, and all the loose papers I shoved in my bag. Luckily there were about 5 gentleman nearby and I only had to pick up one thing, before they shoved in all in my hands.

I got on the bus and plopped all the crap on that handy ledge thing when you first walk in, muttering about my stupid backpack being broken (the zipper only stays together if you zip it up a certain way).

So.... I sit down and I'm settling down, when I realize the drunk guy I sat next to was muttering a lot and I think he was talking to me. The problem was, though I could hear what he was saying... it didn't make a lick of sense!

So I chose to ignore. Except then he got a little offended so he started saying, " I'm sorry I asked...I'M SORRY I ASKED." To which I turned and said, "It's ok, it's ok" So he calmed down.

A little while later he asked me a sensible question, "so how's your job?"

"My job? It's great" I reply with a friendly smile.

"yes... but does it have the same outcomes as .....(goes into muttering incoherently)" says the man.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying." To which he smiles knowingly- like a teacher would to a new ignorant pupil.

More muttering, a little later, "So you like this job" I say, "yes"

"Like you would work there forever?" he asks.

"Well no. It's only part time" I say.

More words put together in something that I guess was supposed to form a sentence.

"So you have a nice part-time job."


Then the kicker, I wish I could describe the tone he said this in, but you'll just have to imagine, it's a little like Joey's "How you doin?" Anyways, he says, "you have a nice part-time face."

I burst out laughing. It was the best line I've ever heard in my LIFE! You have a nice part--time face... it's priceless. Yeah, he apologized a bit then talked a little about my smile, all the while assuring me that he wasn't trying to pick me up or anything. I am laughing the whole time... I couldn't help it. It was so innappropriate and such a funny line, I couldn't stop. People around me must've thought I was crazy.

He also asked me after that, what my mom does (he was about her age). It was also in a very suggestive tone.

Ok, so as we were passing Polo Park he asked me where a good place to get off the bus was and how far it went. I said I think it goes to Westwood.

So... when I say "have a good-night" and go to get off the bus, he says, "I think this is a good place to get off" and gets up, first falling on someone. When I realize he's following me I say, "nah, I think you better stay on"

He says, "nah I think I'll get off"

I look at the wonderful dark secluded place where my bus stop stops and say, "well... then I'm staying on"

And he gets off at my stop while I stay on. I realize that if he had tried anything, I probably could have pushed him over pretty easily in his state, but Roca Jacks is a few stops away so I got off there. It was a good thing too, cuz Maia was working alone and the place was packed, so I did a few dishes, made a few drinks and walked home.


Blogger Cheryl said...

wow, that turned out really long!

Monday, March 26, 2007 11:18:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

I like it!

I also can't believe that you carried on that conversation. you're like abra. I think you both need a healthy dose of paranoia when it comes to talking to strangers. especially drunk strangers.

but as an aside, I can't believe that he made "working part time" into a pick up line. and "what does your mom do"??? it takes true innuendo talent to make that one suggestive!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:42:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Oh, the lines I learn when it's too late.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:34:00 AM  
Blogger IMPACT Team GUATEMALA said...

people that dont use transit really miss out on random funny experiences, especially those of drunken masters at pick-up lines

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:06:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

- You should probably get a new backpack.

- I definitely respond to random questions if I can manage it. I could more easily see someone getting hostile over being ignored, than over getting a negatory response... paranoia? maybe not... taser? maybe YES...

- changing 'nice
[adjective] [noun]' to 'nice [adjective] face' is a pretty good play... it's like playing romantic Mad Libs

- interesting how seemingly random delays can put us in interesting situations, while calling our attention away from the unlikelihood of those same situations...

- word verification: 'beakbmal'

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 4:55:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wonderfully funny and so very Winnipeg.
I give it two thumbs up.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:24:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

Very funny...except for the end, a little scary...I'm glad you didn't get off, you never know what they are capable of even if they seem really out of it.
I definitely don't need a healthy dose of paranoia. Although I actually do usually talk to strangers somewhat if they start talking to me...because I mean, if they're sitting next to you what are you gonna do? This slightly inebriated man sat next to me once and we had quite a long drawn out conversation...I learnt all about his ex-wife and how they both had their PHD's in plant sciences or something like that and she was still teaching at the university (obviously he wasn't doing quite so well) he had shoes on that he'd taped up with duct tape and kept complaining about what poor quality they were and warning me never to buy cheap shoes. He wouldn't admit where he had bought them (he was too embarrassed) until I raised the point that how would I know not to buy shoes from this place if I didn't know where it was? Eventually he admitted they were from wal-mart. And it went on and on. Eventually I got off, we said our good-byes and I've never seen him before. He didn't try to follow me, so it ended pleasantly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:34:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

aaah, never seen him again is what I meant

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:35:00 PM  

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