
Friday, February 09, 2007

Why I am going to be a Missionary in Equitoreal Guinea

(for Mandy)

Today, I have to go to a high school reunion type of thing. I want to go because it's my friend's engagement party and because I wish I didn't care about all the reasons that I don't want to go (but I do, are the reasons:)

because it's at my old high school boyfriend's and his wife's house,
because I don't really talk to anyone from high school anymore except sasha
because I have to go through all the small talk, and fake "we should go for coffee sometime"'s
because when it comes to stuff like this I feel self-conscious and anti-social


as a connection with the small talk, I'll probably answer the inevitable "sooo are you seeing anyone?" about 5 million times. Luckily, Mel and I came up with a plan. Because I have no one to bring along to this thing, it is best that I bring a picture, so we figured I could find a magazine to get a nice picture of my new boyfriend and pull this out everytime I get asked that question:


Blogger Rebs said...

if nothing else, my dear, you have excellent taste.

I highly approve of that picture.

I also really totally and completely understand how you feel about the whole high school reunion thing. I think almost everyone feels the exact same way - just keep in mind that most other people there are probably feeling the same might help you feel less awkward

Friday, February 09, 2007 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said... least you have plans for valentine's day!

Friday, February 09, 2007 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

glad you approve, I do what I can

Yes! I am excited for Valentines Day. Good times will be had by everyone (well.. actually not everyone at all! it's quite exclusive really.. hehe)

Friday, February 09, 2007 1:11:00 PM  
Blogger jpunk5 said...

just be a jerk. but, that would be tough with you having no experience being a jerk. oh well. i have big plans for v-day too. junior high!! oh yeah!!

Friday, February 09, 2007 2:43:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I will add my approval to Rebekah's. My v-day plans are with a bunch of single girls. I know it will involve chocolate so I'm pretty excited...

As to the reunion, Is there any way you can make an "appearance" at the party and leave before things get painfully awkward? Any semi valid excuse should do, homework, work, family, friends in need....

Friday, February 09, 2007 3:02:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Pffft, I bet he has no sense of humour and is as deep as a puddle. He does have nice eyes, though.

If anyone is feeling down about v-day just do what I did today. Go out with Jeff and help pick out a Valentine's day card. It'll make you want to stay single for the rest of your life.

"My ship finally came in and you were on it."

I threw up a record of 6 times today in Hallmark.

Friday, February 09, 2007 3:41:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Oh, and I forgot to say... Cheryl, you need to learn to embrace awkwardness. It's like Rebs said, everyone there is feeling awkward, know that, watch them squirm and then laugh... a lot.

Friday, February 09, 2007 3:43:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Probably goes without saying, but I hate Valentine's day.

Friday, February 09, 2007 4:25:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Mike, you and I have been through the whole Valentine's Day discussion, and again... hate it or no, you should still tell Rachel you love her.

Yes Mandy, I have excuse prepared, I have to get up early for LBE tomorrow.

Dave, good point about the eyes. But ya know, I don't think it would work out, see he's about 40 soooo... I'm thinking that's past the age limit. good actor though.

Friday, February 09, 2007 5:09:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

Yes, he's probably Cheryl's favourite. I highly approve. I am also excited about v-day. I have a lot of good v-day memories, and of course the ones with the single girls are the best.
I hate awkward situations like that.

Friday, February 09, 2007 9:16:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I remember when I broke up with a girl on Valentine's Day... good times.

V-Day sounds like some sort of military term ... so, I guess it's quite fitting.

Friday, February 09, 2007 9:45:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Wait, what's that title about, exactly? Why is it for Mandy? Not that most things shouldn't be for Mandy, because they definitely should...

I'm pretty excited that all you guys have made plans for v-day that exclude me. :P Good thing I'm working that night, it'll take my mind off not noticing it at all... Heheh. Life is so much easier when you diligently maintain ignorance of the outside world...

Saturday, February 10, 2007 3:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, isn't that the guy who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's slasher - oh, sorry, in that movie he made about the Passion?

Very fitting for you to pick someone who played Jesus!!

I work V-Day. Nothing like being single, AND serving a bunch of mushy couples their coffee and desserts all night...



Sunday, February 11, 2007 8:40:00 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

It is, (although I once lost a bet that it wasn't. I was positive that the Count of Monte Cristo was not the same guy who played Jesus...)

oooh, not fun, well I haven't seen make out couple in awhile, so maybe it won't be too bad.

Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:14:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

Tom nobody feels sorry for you cause you're not invited. You're a boy. And this party is strictly for not acknowledging boys and celebrating our independence from boys.
You could have a man-power party with your man friends. You could all play halo and gears of war.
I'm just sayin' is all.

Monday, February 12, 2007 10:36:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I feel sorry for you, Tom. Girl-boy parties only add to the problem. If you truly wanted to demonstarte your independence it should be your indepedence on the socially constructed notion of dating. Boys and girls can be friends and that's all right.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:24:00 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

That is a dirty lie, Mike.

Evidence that girls and guys can't be friends (at least good ones): "When Harry Met Sally" aaaaand my life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:11:00 AM  
Blogger Roz said...

I actually never said that girls and guys can't be friends. I think they can be if they respect certain boundaries. Discussing intimate things like sex as happened in "when harry met sally" would not be respecting the boundaries.
But the fact is that there are things that happen at girls only parties which wouldn't happen when boys are there. Don't do anything dirty with that grossies.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:03:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

What makes you think I still have any man-friends? Besides, I like to acknowledge girls, and I'm not at all independent from them, so for me that party would be entirely false.

Dave, it definitely depends what you mean... probably the majority of my age-similar friends are girls, even if I count all the people I've hardly seen since September... then again, it's pretty rare for me to call one of them up for some one-on-one hangouts. Not that I do that with guys, either, these days... but even if I had time, most of you would probably find that weird...

Mike, that party is my life... it is a pretty good party, though, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Jim Caviezel! I knew I recognized that guy from somewhere.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with ya dave - "when harry met sally" knows all.
the rest of you are all wrong. about everything.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:02:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

And zoz, I really don’t think that you can simultaneously celebrate independence from boys and ‘not acknowledge’ them. How can you be independent from something that you’re not acknowledging?

I think of it more as celebrating things that you do have – like, awesome girlfriends, because really, once most of us get married off and start procreating (and I really believe that most of us will – following our social norms and all), we’ll probably have days when we long for the days of simplicity and less responsibility – of not having a family that depends on us every day.
So celebrate what you have while you have it – the grass is always greener, etc.

Also, Cheryl, this holiday is silly and a total farce. If Mike needs a national holiday to tell Rachel he loves her, then something is seriously wrong with their relationship.

Happy v-day, everyone. Apologies for the sermon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:39:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...


I know all about the holiday and it's farceness. And I agree no one should need it to express their appreciation or feelings... but... Christmas is also a farce and we still praise God and celebrate Jesus on it, as well as have a grand ole time giving and recieving presents. And it is GOOD!
People who love each other should take the extra care to say I love you on Valentines Day, because, it's simply a nice thing to do (not saying you need to spend money and go into the consumer aspect of it all... in fact don't if you can help it)

In conclusion, I veto that Mike shouldn't have to say I love you to rachel today.

I agree with you about the celebration of singleness. I told Mel (cuz she was making me feel all bad, that it was an exclusive single party-which I believe we said she could come too, but she can't anyways) that when/if I start seeing someone I sincerely doubt that I'm gonna complain that I can't be single and go to single's parties (although you're right about the procreating and having kids and all that, I'm sure one day I'll long for these days)

And so she shouldn't complain either, just like I don't complain when I can't go on dates with her and Nathan.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:34:00 PM  
Blogger kimbee said...

Why are we so upset about the consumer aspect of Valentines day? I like presents. The exciting part of most holidays is presents. Hey, maybe that new "family day" (or whatever they are planning to call it) will be another opportunity to get presents (and give them of course). I tell Jonathan that I love him everyday (I, think...) therefore, Valentines day is for presents entirely. By the way, I got a sweet shirt from Brave New World...and yes, I'm selfish.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:53:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

no, no, kimberly - I heard about your shirt, and I was excited for you!
It's just that people are ridiculous. see: last night at 4:30 at the florist - all the last-minute, frazzled, bewildered guys with no taste and no clue coming in half an hour before close...
so then it becomes not something that is nice and special (believe me, I won't be turning down flowers or presents any time soon for ANY occasion) but something that feels forced and weird. and farcical.

my dad always gets my mummy something nice for v-day...even when he's stuck at home with a bad hip and has to send his daughters out to get it for her. and I think it's sweet. but it's just one of the many ways that they show their love for each other. and he wouldn't need the excuse of this holiday to do that occasionally anyway.

umm...what's my point? I'm not demonizing people that choose to do something special for each other on v-day...obviously, since the girls and I do something special every year...but I do think that if you're not doing something, that really it's not worth getting worked up over.

know what i'm sayin'?

Thursday, February 15, 2007 9:18:00 AM  
Blogger Rebs said...

umm...cheryl, I'm still waiting for an explanation on the mandy-title. on tenterhooks.

Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Roz, yea they can be friends, just not good ones. Good friends can discuss intimate things and also don't worry about going out one on one with each other(see Tom's post).

All of you, what is up with your obsession with cheescake and waiting on "insertword-hooks". Can I be the first to say in this little blog clique that cheescake isn't even that good and the hooks thing makes no sense....?

Also, is there an initiation I have to go through in order for someone to replace the "D" in my name with a lower case "z"?

Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:22:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

okay dave, I see we have some splainin' to do.
there are only three people in our circle that have 'z' names.
you will never be one of them.

if you wait long enough you may eventually get a 'sm' or 'shm' in front of your name...but probably not. we do tend towards giving nicknames, so if you ever start hanging out with'll probably get one of your own.

tenter/tender-hooks comes from a post I did in my early weeks of blogging where I said the expression 'waiting on tenterhooks' (surely you've heard it!) and it was misunderstood and I explained it and the origins and it was kinda funny and now we quote it because it's a thing. (although some quote in ignorance of this)

cheesecake bets are a longstanding tradition whereby if a debate is heated enough it will officially be named a cheesecake bet and the winner will receive a cheesecake from the loser. even if you're not a huge fan of cheesecake (like me) it's the being right and the satisfaction thereof that's the most important thing. usually you end up sharing it anyway. cuz really, who can eat a whole cheesecake?

If I'm not mistaken, tom still owes Janice Penner a cheesecake.

If I sound pompous/boring, it's cuz I am.

Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:47:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

actually you do kind of have a name.
you've been referred to a few times as 'blog-dave'.
don't you feel special?

Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Kimberly! I'm so excited that you've commented on my blog (even if it was to disagree with me whole-heartedly-points taken and not disagreed with back)

It's quite simple Mandy sent me an email telling me to label my next blog entry that... so I did

I can't believe Dave has a nickname and I don't! How long have I been hanging out with you guys???

Thursday, February 15, 2007 1:57:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I have no nickname. Not a judgment, just a fact.

Thursday, February 15, 2007 1:58:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

“Mike” actually is a nickname, believe it or not.
I’ve also called you mcmichael, but mostly just in my head. Sometimes I nickname people in my head but don’t want to say it out loud in case they give me strange looks...
I believe you’ve also been called michaelclaus – but usually only around Christmas.
Cheryl, you’ve often been called cher and beryl and cher-bear. I know I’ve called you all of these things. And don’t forget ‘muffin’...although I guess that’s more generic.

Thursday, February 15, 2007 2:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so how was your V-Day? anyone buy the "fact" that you're dating Jesus?

It actually wasn't so bad last night. I think the worst was a few guys who apparently missed the memo that bathing in cologne (i.e. more than one or two spritzes) only makes girls want to get *away* from you, not *closer* to you!!



Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... I enter the blogger circle. Cheryl you have been doing wonders in my life... first firefly, then then myspace, then The Office and now... BLOGGER!
First things first, V-day (still feeling it in my stomach ladies! but it was fun)
Bon-Cop Bad-Cop - opinions!?
And finally... Reb what is my nickname??? shm-anelle???

Thursday, February 15, 2007 9:34:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

- I definitely owe Janice a cheesecake.

- Don't forget 'Peril!'

- 'Mike' and 'Cher' are not nicknames. They are contractions, abbreviations, just like 'Tom.' The other ones definitely count, though. Especially 'michaelclaus.'

- Time does not automagically earn you a nickname; I've been around these folks for quite some time... I don't think I want one, though, so that's just fine with me. D'you really want to be called 'Zave'?

- Janelle!! You're into Firefly? Did I know this? You don't need to borrow them do you? Also, you should definitely start a blog here. There is much fun to be had

Friday, February 16, 2007 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger Rebs said...

janelle, I think your nickname is probably 'muscle woman' or variations on that theme. at least, Karin and I have referred to you thus.
thomas, I disagree....and here's why...

Friday, February 16, 2007 8:55:00 AM  
Blogger Rebs said...

i believe i called you 'gimpy' just last night, thomas...and you answered to it. therefore - nickname.

Friday, February 16, 2007 10:20:00 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Rebs, thank you for the explanations and the nickname. It makes sense to call me 'blog dave' as I'm sure a major part of the ladies discussion on v-day was about my pics/blog on Spring Break and who should "go for me."

Tom, you make a solid point.

Aaaaand I think Janelle's nickname should be "Ice Box" (see: Little Giants)

p.s: "cher-bear" haha that is definitley getting used at Booth.

Friday, February 16, 2007 12:13:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pardon my ignorance but who is Dave? or who are you Dave?

And for the record I could eat a whole cheesecake, how does one get themselves into a cheesecake bet?

And by the way you are all invited to Equatorial Guinea. If fact why not name your next blog "Why I am going to be a missionary in Equatorial Guinea"

Friday, February 16, 2007 3:36:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Mandy, Dave goes to my school.. Booth College. Sometimes we're friends.

Dave, I would refer you to the commenting section of Rebekah's blog, to burst your little bubble about us discussing who should "go for you," but I can see that this illusion is important to you.

Janelle, your name will never be schmanelle, that's the worst thing you've ever said on blog.

Friday, February 16, 2007 3:54:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

I agree. 'muscle woman' is MUCH cooler.
Dave, I wasn't gonna break it to yah, I was gonna let you live in that scary little world you've built for yourself...
buuut...cheryl's right.

Friday, February 16, 2007 4:18:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I've been trying to go to Rebs blog for forever but it's set to private and I don't have the blog link so I haven't been able to

And don't worry about "bursting my bubble" or "destroying my little world" I've had lots of experience in denying the objective reality of life. So as far as I'm concerned everyone here has an insanely passionate crush on me... yes... everyone

Mandy, Cheryl and I are internet friends. Not real life friends. Except for the day she gave me the block parent stuff. For those 5 mins we were best friends.

Friday, February 16, 2007 4:38:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

He's so insightful!! *swoon*

Friday, February 16, 2007 9:15:00 PM  
Blogger IMPACT Team GUATEMALA said...

that was the BEST blog comment session i've read in a while.. like 42 comments of awesomeness, very cool.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 2:35:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

tom, i'm still laughing, and i first read this hours ago...

dave, obviously it's private - i talk about the deepest, darkest secrets of my soul...and gassiness.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 4:33:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I came here thinking "new comments, yay, I'll finally get to read Rebs' blog." But all that happened is I got shutdown.

Such a sad day.

Sunday, February 18, 2007 8:27:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

i know! but it was way more fun this way...
gotta let me have a few joys in life, davey-boy

Sunday, February 18, 2007 9:51:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

WHOA! People have to tell me when things like this...46 comments are happening! I also miss the boat. Dave, I agree with you completely about the boys/girls friends things and I actually said the exact same thing to Rebekah the other day and she tried to disagree except admitted she didn't have anything to say. (probably just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing)

Oh yeah, Rebekah if you are trying to start "Davey-boy" as a nickname then I veto it on account of it's dumb.

We could call Janelle, Ja-smelly.
Just sayin' is all.

If you want a nickname Mike I could start calling you Boycey.

Oh I object to the term blog-cliche. We are not clichey. Everyone is welcome on our blogs.

Monday, February 19, 2007 8:19:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

For the position of Mike's nickname, I nominate 'Shakes', on account of his resemblance to certain famous playwrights.

If we are very cliquey, this post is poor evidence of it... at least three people without blogs have commented, not to mention those who rarely use theirs... I'm just sayin' is all.

Roslyn, if you wish to keep abreast of the blog world you'll simply need to check them more often.

Monday, February 19, 2007 9:41:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Um, I never said I WANTED a nickname, simply pointing out I didn't have one. I'm rather fond of "Mike."

Monday, February 19, 2007 9:54:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

not gonna lie to you guys - I'm cliquey, in case you haven't noticed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

I hate to be a Fussy-Freddy, but Cheryl, it really is time to tell us what happened on your highschool reunion thingy that you mentioned in your post. I know it happened eons ago, but most of us are waiting with baited breath as to the details. Was it terribly awkward? Did people like that you're dating Jesus?

You can't leave us hanging like this.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:37:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

It was completely fine.

I didn't even feel akward around Justin and his wife. They seemed more awkward and insecure around me than I did around them. Justin showed me around the house and the only akward point was when one of his/my old friend asked me if I had any boyfriends, when Justin was there and I said no.

He's like, "none?" (to which another guy said "how many boyfriends do you expect her to have?)- He's like "well... no I mean you haven't dated at all?" to which I was able to say I had dated but hadn't met anyone. Anyways, that was the only time I blushed all evening. This guy was always known for being a little clueless about putting people on the spot.

Anyways, the best part of the evening was just affirming again that there were no regrets, no hard feelings and all that good stuff. And... everyone was dating someone there from high school it seemed, and while that is not always a bad thing... I was just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad it wasn't me. Honestly, some of those guys haven't changed a bit. One guy was talking about boners like ALL evening. He's getting married in June.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:41:00 PM  
Blogger Rebs said...

see, that's the kind of thing you should have talked about in a new bloody post, rather than continuing in the ridiculousness of this comment section.

not that I wasn't fascinated..

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:58:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I disagree... and here's why

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 5:35:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

it's the same topic and it is so two weeks ago

(also, I have THE longest comment section EVER) It's a feat to beat let me tell ya

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 5:36:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

...that's an interesting story...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:44:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

Guys we need to stop commenting. It's only egging her on. It's going to her head. It's feeding her addiction to comments! She can't quit now she's just....gotta....wait...
When will it end Cheryl?!?!? Look at yourself! You don't post, you sit around all day in your pajamas staring at your blog just waiting for another hit. THAT'S NOT REALLY LIVING WOMAN!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

naw, y'all can't quit commenting.

you guys are freakin' hilarious!

but i do agree that, according to nettiquite, cheryl probably should have posted about the event. i mean, it was important enough to merit a post to get us all interested, therefore it should still be important enough to merit its own post. :P

and i think i'm going to tell everyone at work that you're dating Jesus.



Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:31:00 PM  

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