
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tribute to Snoopy (Feb 12, 1996-tomorrow, 2007)

originally uploaded by cherylcherylp.
So my wierd, but awesome cat Snoopy is about to die. (I'm gonna take her to the vet tomorrow)

I feel kinda bad because last week I said the things I was going to look forward to when she was gone. (ie. no more cat hair EVERYWHERE, barf, litter box, cat following me around everywhere and not leaving me alone until I pick her up)

I will miss her I think, if you ever felt the need to be needed, Snoopy was the cat for you. Her being sick and all is basically the first time I haven't been able to solve all of her problems by giving her a little attention, very sad.

I also freaked out yesterday, because I made her eat some tuna juice (she hadn't eaten in a few days), and then convulsed and threw up. The thing is I think she was hungry, but her body wouldn't let her eat, so me shoving food in her face all the time was probably quite cruel. Anyways, I have stopped that.

I hope this is everything you were hoping for in having me post again! (I expect to share about Urbana sometime in church, so I'm probably not going to do a blog about it)


Blogger Michael said...

I'm sorry about your cat.

Sunday, January 14, 2007 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

No worries, but seriously some veterinarians offices are crazy.

I just called one place to make an appointment and because they don't have a "relationship with the client" (referring to my cat) they will need to do an exam to see what is "best for her"

ie. they wanted to charge me 190$ to kill my cat.

So that made me feel terrible about it, but I found a different place that didn't give me any guff.

Monday, January 15, 2007 9:12:00 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Man... that's rough... :( Let us know if we can do anything... you can come visit my cats if you want, Smudge certainly loves a good face-nuzzle... could come with if it's in the morning/you haven't left yet

Monday, January 15, 2007 9:30:00 AM  
Blogger Rebs said...

oh snoopy. we've known her for so long. I'm not even going to get to see her again! she's always so snuggly and cuddlable, though sometimes a bit on the whiny side.
I remember when you first got her - she was SO cute and SO little!
sometimes I really want a cat. but I'm just too immature to clean up crap and vomit.

I know what you mean about vets! it's crazy how much they charge for the most ridiculous things.

Monday, January 15, 2007 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger IMPACT Team GUATEMALA said...

i think if i was hungry but couldnt eat due to pukeness i'd be very disgruntled if someone was stuffing food down my throat too. i feel for you cat. i gues i feel for you too. i will tell a story, one day when i was like 10 or so, me and mom came home from town and i found our cat dead from convulsions on the front step. diagnosis.. climbed up power pole and got electracuted and dragged herself to try to get inside but didnt make it. i wasnt very close with the cat but i felt so sad and bad for the cat and horrible because i couldnt get the cat down from the power pole by means of football throwing.. and we had to leave to town. and wen we returned the cat was pretty much toasted. so thats my story, maybe it makes you feel better, maybe not but this is a really long comment

Monday, January 15, 2007 9:21:00 PM  
Blogger Roz said...

mmmmm....I hate sad cat stories Kyler! Yeah, I miss that crazy meows-all-the-time cat. She was probably the cutest kitten I've ever met. If I can figure out how to use my scanner I'll post some adorable pictures I have of her as a kitten

Monday, January 15, 2007 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Our cat Bartholomew got hit by a car when I was maybe ten... it was rough. Simon, who was older than me, hit the ripe old age of fourteen before he passed, though...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:27:00 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I tried holding shatzi,mel's cat yesterday, but it was too soon, it made me sad.

everything I've written so far was before I actually put Snoopy down. Since then I have realized I thought it was going to be about a hundred times easier than it's actually been. I guess I was in shock and denial. I've skipped anger (on the account of snoopy not being human, I think I can deviate from the norm), yesterday and this morning has been despair and I'm slowly moving towards acceptance.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:12:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

That's very... orderly of you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:09:00 PM  

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