Sunday, December 24, 2006
Previous Posts
- Coke-the real thing
- Sometimes.... Jeremy is actually as scary as he lo...
- I love Mel. And Here's why: Yesterday afternoon ...
- This... Is Tom.Tom's being my newest picture displ...
- Hehe,Sorry guys, my email was flooded with all sor...
- Time for me to post pictures of either my favourit...
- A Little Taste of FreedomSo my day of nothing will...
- Yam FriesJanelle, Naomi and I went out for lunch t...
- I was looking at my email message and found out I ...
- Fine I really have nothing to blog about except wh...
Aww! So cute
What a fine looking family
indeed a fine looking family... cheryl, i wish my mom would let me wear pj bottoms for a family picture
oh no.. WAIT, after llooking at the picture again cheryl.. and my mom catching a glance, she said that it is a skirt. i was like umm mom dont say that. so if it is a skirt which probably makes more sense, sorry about that one. but i thought maybe its chistmas morning and rozalyn jus dressed up or sumthin.
Smooth Kyler... smooth. :)
Smooth is a weird-looking word in Courier...
oh no Kyler! Noooohoho
uhh ohh.. oh my i think i might've jus dug myself a little deeper, this cant be good.
it's funny, cuz my mom actually made me change into something nice. Cuz I was in the drama at church and was just wearing all black.
And then it just ended up looking like pajamas. I love it.
All right... where's the Urbana update? Some of us are on tender hooks!
I know right!!
Still tender hooking it over here.
i think she's busy getting her wisdom teeth out. let us know how you're doing, okay puffy?
Posting on drugs makes for the best posts. Take some painkillers and post... puffy.
And definitely include photos. Lots of puffy photos
no one wants your christmas wishes anymore! NEW. POST.
by the way cheryl, i love you.
ya, Christmas is soooo last year!! get with the times man...
I always feel bad guilting Cheryl about blogging... good thing you guys are here to cover for me
Don't feel bad Tom, all of us are on your side!
Leave her alone!! She is too busy to blog because she is writing an AMAZING article for the school newspaper... right, Cheryl? Right?!?
I hate this picture, everyone in the fam looked at it and said "ok everyone looks decent in this picture" and then "ohhh" well almost eveyrone and then it was decided that since eveyrone in the picture WASN'T making a moronic face EXCEPT ME, we could use it.
Heehee... poor Mel. Surely there are some where only you look good? You should post those. :)
I just don't know how to and figure it's not worth the trouble... I may have been slightly over reacting at the postage of me making a moronic face. Over reacting is the theme of the week for me. Yesterday I saw Dave say something on msn to cheryl about *gasp* three books and three assignments in three weeks, so I gave him a peice of my mind, and then he egged me on so I continued to overreact.
Hahaha... well you know mostly I'm just trying to tempt you to blog... :)
haha i didn't catch that... and the answer is NO, i don't need one more study escaping procrastination technique.
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