Fine I really have nothing to blog about except what I'm going to do once exams are over
I think the first thing is
1) to have a whole day of nothing... which will probably include borrowing the whole season of Veronica Mars from Tom.
2) reconnect with all my friends who I haven't spoken to since the beginning of the semester.
3) Participate in some sort of all night party... making Roslyn's dream a reality
4) Figure out how we can get there and go to Urbana 2006 with Jessica and Carla
5) figure out how to work this stupid mp3 player
6) have that family night that Roslyn's been suggesting
7) Make some cheesecake bets that I have some sort of knowledge to get right and win. ( no more losing!- a particular goal is to get Jonathan to lose)
By the way it is perfectly acceptable to comment on other people's blogs while not havign time to write your own. It is MUCH faster and involves less comign up with something to write
8) Crotchet some toques
9) figure out what other exciting things I need to do because 8 is NOT sufficient, I'm sure I've thought many times "oh I'll do that when the semester's done" There are more than 8 things.
#1) AWESOME! Veronica Mars is totally my girlfreind.
sounds intriguing! it'll be an interesting day when i lose on a cheescake bet. so i guess no interesting days are coming soon...
I just realized this is the most random post ever. I interrupted my list to respond to you guys harrassing me about posting.
Jonathan- your logic doesn't work. Just becasue you may not lose a cheesecake bet soon, does not mean no interesting days are coming. There are far more things that make life interesting. Such as spontaneous combustion
Mike- I am telling Rachel
Go ahead. Logan is her boyfriend.
Umm, I demand to be there on the day of nothing.
that's impossible, unless logan is a bigamist, because he's already my boyfriend. jerk. too bad he's too hot to dump...
I wouldn't put bigamy past Logan.
by the way cheryl: you wanna know what's NOT acceptable? commenting on everyone's blogs except rebekah's. she starts to feel unloved and ignored. thinks longingly of past times when there was cheryl in her life. accepts that there's really no point in blogging at all or even going on with life if cheryl is not a part of it.
not that I've missed you. that would never happen.
aww Zeb, I read your blog just as often as anyone elses, I just had nothing to comment on. It was already said, but to make it up to you, I'm commentin RIGHT NOW!
UmMMM i'm particularily discusted by suggestion number 8. soo discusted that I had to involve myself in this whole blog life by getting a blog to comment. "Crotchet some toques?" that sentence just looks wrong to me.
UmMMM i'm particularily discusted by suggestion number 8. soo discusted that I had to involve myself in this whole blog life by getting a blog to comment. "Crotchet some toques?" that sentence just looks wrong to me.
first of all, Miss "comment the same comment twice"
That's how it's spelled. I know I was bothered too as I wrote it. But it's pronounced Croshay, so it's less offensive if you hear the way it's said in your head as you're reading it? oook?
umm, mel left herself signed in and I posted that comment as her comment when it was actually me talking.
oh man, it'd be so much funnier if that was mel talking to herself. and also, correcting the way she spelt 'disgusting'.
did you guys know that tom lost a cheesecake bet to your mother on the retreat? oh yeah, janice is cleaning up!
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