
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time for me to post pictures of either my favourite people or my favourite pictures of people...

This is Nathan. (though he's growing on me, he fits into the later category)

Nathan and I started our relationship out pretty rocky. Basically I started crying when I found out my little sister had a boyfriend.

I then decided it was necessary for me to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. Well it wasn't my plan, but I basically freaked him out by making wierd faces at him, laughing and making tons of stupid and non-funny jokes when he was around.

Mel got angry at me cuz apparantly he thought I was crazy or something.

Anyways, a year later, now that he feels comfortable around me, he's decided his revenge, and we don't go any period of time with out him making the above face at me for an extended period of time.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Little Taste of Freedom

So my day of nothing will be occuring on December 14. I originally thought I'd have to miss it because I start working on the 15 and thought my last exam would be the 14. Turns out I have to have 2 exams on the 13. Anyways, these details are boring. The point is that I will be finished a day early and the goal of a nothing day is ON. I've been thinking about seeing whether someone has some sort of cabin out of the city where I could go and be alone for the day. To be away from distraction, pressure and everything (well besides beautiful creation) is all I could hope for right now.

It's been incredibly difficult to finish the work I need to do when the end is so near (2 term papers, 1 small paper, 2 journals, 1 evaluation, 23 hours of practicum and 4 exams away!). Again with the boring details. I'm telling you this is what happens when I blog out of procrastination and NOT out of having something interesting to say. I love you all because you care to read it anyway.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Yam Fries

Janelle, Naomi and I went out for lunch today, and Naomi's Jewish, sooo we went to a falafel place. It was interesting. We walk in and it's super crowded and noisy. The kitchen is completely open, there's a little bar divider between the tables and the kitchen. Naomi says hi to the cook guy and he talks to her as he's cooking up some falafels, with his crazy accent and lisp. Then he asks her a question, she responds in Yiddish or Hebrew, don't really know. There are no tables so he yells to all the people sitting down at their tables: "WHO'S LEAVING!" Then he yells some more to the waiters "Someone tell table 1 to leave!" Table 1 can definitely hear him yelling. The restaurant is about the size of our living room. About five minutes pass and no one's left and so he turns around from his cooking and yells "TABLE 1 IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO LEAVE.. SOMEONE TELL TABLE ONE TO GO HOME!!"

Naomi says this is what it is like in Israel and at home with her father. Anyways, the food was amazing, good price too. I'll be going back.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I was looking at my email message and found out I had an email from gr. 10 from a guy named T-Bo (well that's not his real name-it's his last name spelt differently).
Just thought you guys would find this amusing.

hey whats up! this is T-BO and brett. so what have u done today. me nothing just went to the girls game then we to pizza hut with brett tyler jana and kelly. brett is sleeping over at my house and we watched the scriest movie "What Lies Beneath". so who do u like? would u ever consider tyler. he has changed so much its unbelievable he has changed his whole life around. i think he might like you and he is a great u like him at all? we think u should hook up. well e-mail us back and tell us your answer asap.

Oh to be 15 again.

Fine I really have nothing to blog about except what I'm going to do once exams are over

I think the first thing is

1) to have a whole day of nothing... which will probably include borrowing the whole season of Veronica Mars from Tom.

2) reconnect with all my friends who I haven't spoken to since the beginning of the semester.

3) Participate in some sort of all night party... making Roslyn's dream a reality

4) Figure out how we can get there and go to Urbana 2006 with Jessica and Carla

5) figure out how to work this stupid mp3 player

6) have that family night that Roslyn's been suggesting

7) Make some cheesecake bets that I have some sort of knowledge to get right and win. ( no more losing!- a particular goal is to get Jonathan to lose)

By the way it is perfectly acceptable to comment on other people's blogs while not havign time to write your own. It is MUCH faster and involves less comign up with something to write

8) Crotchet some toques

9) figure out what other exciting things I need to do because 8 is NOT sufficient, I'm sure I've thought many times "oh I'll do that when the semester's done" There are more than 8 things.