
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"For women are like roses; whose fair flower, Being Once displayed, doth fall that very hour" -William Shakespeare

Ok, so let me start this scenario at my practicum experience by writing that were 2 male practicum students in the office and one male staff person and one other female practicum student. All 4 are from different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures and all are at least six years older than me. It can be pretty funny sometimes. Today, I was working, not paying any attention to them. One Ethiopian guy says to me in the front room in his accent, and round about way of speaking (his english is perfect, but he has a different way of constructing sentences) "what about you Cheryl. You are that image, how do you do that?"
So you can imagine my "whaaaa? I don't know what you're asking"

As he began to talk some more about how I look, I realized that the last time I had payed any attention to the conversation they were talking about the Oscars. I guess they had progressed towards how celebreties work so hard to look a certain way, and he was wondering if I did the same thing to look my way. Eventually, the really Canadian blunt guy says, "like... do you starve yourself."

I of course turned bright red, not sure whether to be flattered or horrified.

Now Rico, always coming to my defense, says, "Yeah... Cheryl's thin. But she's fleshy thin." To which I turned redder. I was further pressed as to whether I dieted, which I said no. And they eventually got out of me that I exercize.

Earlier that day I walked from one room to the next and one student says, "Hello pretty woman" To which Rico agreed.

This is not even as bad as when Rico and I happened to be eating lunch at the same time and he said, "does this mean we are going to have dinner together some time" (I laugh it off) a few seconds later
"does this mean we are going to have breakfast together some time" (no response by me, how do you respond to that?)

Anyways, I could go on about the inappropriateness that occurs at this office, however, I think you get the point so I just stuck to the past couple of days. I'm having issues.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


About a month ago my mom started having this pain in her derriere. Found out it was bursitus, which is like inflamation of muscles or tendons or something. So, seriously painful thing. It just kept getting worse and more frequent. The thing was that it was fine when she was lying down, but sitting and standing were difficult. So it was seriously interfering with her life.

Every once and awhile I get reminded of the stories I've heard where people have been healed of little things, like headaches, and then big things like cancer and multiple sclerosis. It brings this little bit of faith out in me, not that God is

powerful enough to heal (because I know he is), but that he will, despite the fact that we don't deserve it and don't have much faith. So one evening, I went, put my hand on my mom's tush and prayed. She also informed the prayer ladies at church and they have been praying too. Since then she's been 2 weeks without pain. The stupid thing is when she told me, I automatically thought it must be the excercise that I'd been pushing her to do (forgetting the fact that she started that even before the bursitus got worse, and had to stop because it aggravated it). Why can I not remember to praise Him, where praise is due. Honestly. So that's a little part of my lent thing is to give credit where it is due. Which is why I am posting this post.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So Apparently I suck at Nettiquette

Lent starts tomorrow...Ash Wednesday.

In the past, I've given up chocolate and television (on two seperate occasions, not together). Apparently, I failed the chocolate one cuz I ate oreos. Seriously didn't think they were chocolate, but got given a hard time about it. When I gave up TV I ended up watching the news because it was around the time that stuff got intense with the "war against terrorism" I also watched a few movies which I rationalised because I said I was giving up TV, not movies. It's been awhile since I've done anything for lent, actually since high school. Well, I've got one night to think about whether I want to and what to give up.

Also, Mel has the flu, pretty bad I must say. I felt for awhile that I might have it too...but I think I'm ok now.

Here's looking at you, kid.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Why I am going to be a Missionary in Equitoreal Guinea

(for Mandy)

Today, I have to go to a high school reunion type of thing. I want to go because it's my friend's engagement party and because I wish I didn't care about all the reasons that I don't want to go (but I do, are the reasons:)

because it's at my old high school boyfriend's and his wife's house,
because I don't really talk to anyone from high school anymore except sasha
because I have to go through all the small talk, and fake "we should go for coffee sometime"'s
because when it comes to stuff like this I feel self-conscious and anti-social


as a connection with the small talk, I'll probably answer the inevitable "sooo are you seeing anyone?" about 5 million times. Luckily, Mel and I came up with a plan. Because I have no one to bring along to this thing, it is best that I bring a picture, so we figured I could find a magazine to get a nice picture of my new boyfriend and pull this out everytime I get asked that question: