
Friday, January 26, 2007

Edward Jones Dome

Edward Jones Dome
Edward Jones Dome,
originally uploaded by cherylcherylp.
Hey All,

I posted a few pictures from Urbana.. if you wanna check them out (what am I kidding, of course you do)

Anyways, I think I'm sharing on Feb. 4 in the morning at Portage Ave.
But I will be clear on that at a later time.

P.S. (Hi katie!)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tribute to Snoopy (Feb 12, 1996-tomorrow, 2007)

originally uploaded by cherylcherylp.
So my wierd, but awesome cat Snoopy is about to die. (I'm gonna take her to the vet tomorrow)

I feel kinda bad because last week I said the things I was going to look forward to when she was gone. (ie. no more cat hair EVERYWHERE, barf, litter box, cat following me around everywhere and not leaving me alone until I pick her up)

I will miss her I think, if you ever felt the need to be needed, Snoopy was the cat for you. Her being sick and all is basically the first time I haven't been able to solve all of her problems by giving her a little attention, very sad.

I also freaked out yesterday, because I made her eat some tuna juice (she hadn't eaten in a few days), and then convulsed and threw up. The thing is I think she was hungry, but her body wouldn't let her eat, so me shoving food in her face all the time was probably quite cruel. Anyways, I have stopped that.

I hope this is everything you were hoping for in having me post again! (I expect to share about Urbana sometime in church, so I'm probably not going to do a blog about it)