
Friday, August 17, 2007

I've copied and posted my thank-you/summer report letter that I sent out to people. It is kind of a detailed list of what I did all summer. But there is more, oh yes

Cheryl’s Summer at Camp Discovery 2007

Thank You!!!

I can do nothing but begin by expressing my deeply felt gratitude for your encouragement, your prayers and your contribution to Living Bible Explorer’s camp ministry. This summer has been, without a doubt, filled with incredible blessing. It has been difficult for me to begin this report, because I’m afraid it will never end. As I reflect on the lessons I have the learned, the blessings I’ve received and all that God has done this summer, I really believe I could go on and on!

Week 1

The first week of camp was a little chaotic as we got things figured out and as Christine and I stepped into roles, filling in for our lack of director. I began to realize how many responsibilities the summer would hold. Fortunately, because of your many prayers, the Lord brought me to prayer, something I wouldn’t have remembered to do on my own. When I felt overwhelmed or frustrated, I prayed, often for the children we were ministering to. I was able to be blessed by the incredible softening that was seen in the children that week. By the end of the week, every child had accepted something of God and had become more obedient towards us and Him. It was a great joy to see the fruit of our labours.

Week 2

The best part of the second week was getting to know Sam. He cursed and fought with my co-worker and I the first night, but the Lord enabled us to bless him with love and affection the rest of the week. He was often the focus of our prayers, and when the speaker asked those who wanted to receive Christ to come forward for prayer, he was the first one up.

Week 3
The third week was hard for me as I got really sick and had to spend a lot of time lying down and away from the rest of the group. It forced me to realize that it is definitely not my strengths that benefit the camp, but it is the Lord who works through the staff to accomplish much. He provided people to fill in for me while I was out of commission.

Week 4
The fourth week brought struggles as well, as I was tired and felt like throwing up my hands and giving up. It was a real learning experience though. As Christine, Darcy and George were praying for energy, strength and the joy of the Lord for me, I was grumpy and realized that I didn’t even want what the Lord was trying to give me. In my heart I couldn’t force myself to change the hardness that was in me. As we moved into worship though, the Lord told me I could sit down, let my emotions and state of mind to control me, or I could stand up, sing, raise my hands to the Lord and choose to worship Him, who is above all of that. In choosing that, I was brought to a place of great and unwavering joy that broke the hardness in me and provided me with the strength to serve for the rest of the week.

Week 5
The last week was our Junior High week and it was the most challenging week of the whole summer. The attitudes ingrained in the teenagers seemed impossible to break. We prayed all week and on Thursday night the Holy Spirit moved and blew us away as we experienced what is possible with God. We enjoyed the best fireside of the whole summer! The teens got really involved in worship and we had an incredible time of prayer with and for them.

Praise the Lord!!!

I need to praise God for His faithful provision. In regards to staffing needs, there were some counsellors who appeared from practically nowhere, exactly when they were needed. This is just a small summary and testimony of what all went on this summer, but I hope it encourages you and reveals to you my thankfulness to you for making this summer possible! May the Lord bless you richly!